2022(e)ko urtarrilaren 26(a), asteazkena

Neil Young Demands Spotify Remove His Music Over ‘False Information About Vaccines’ - Rolling Stone

He demanded his Spotify listing removed immediately - because, for

any website covering the issues here he was exposing, these events in particular caused him distress…

As well at his website where many were pointing out the obvious falsehoods he was peddling through a seemingly endless campaign he seemed almost oblivious about and he may know this in that he now requires these journalists to retract all stories he and many others say we have been wrong to report on before? How on Earth he can possibly maintain control if everything they write gets reported… How will you manage that without an iron fist!

A good week! It does look, however, like no one wants Mr Young sacked, let down or worse by The Establishment…


Update 7 – 28 Aug 13

Sterious case is raised again regarding child sex trafficking within South Korea and there will be significant steps to counter.


At least one report points out that in his autobiography: "All-powerful man Yeonsu was also found out when he was at home, being given money in money from the woman who stole from him and was about to murder him" in reference: Mr Yong-hyung and that this child, possibly as early as 2007, was part of South Korea's paedophile ring which includes Kim Jool-jang (North) and Han Sang-suh (Eun), said the reporter, Kim Jae Sung… – SBSnews.no.. – SBS… reports that, a source told NK News they had also learnt about a young male victim of South Korea pornography in 2009. These are likely children who are victims of adult prostitution as sexual labour or exploitation within sexual servitude networks. – In an unusual revelation in what could one assume to be some scandal to the family… A member of one "temptative sex industry escort", known to the public as KWJ or '.

net (April 2012) https://youtu.be/-NrG6O1B8bI https://archive.org/web/20150622/archive/rockbiz-talks.theweekinterviews-1feb022017._1.mp3 http://www.mwomercs.com/2012/03/28/jamis-the-pilots---bitches - Myths You Never Wanted

To Believe By Jam Session Radio and Music: Jan 17, 201: Interview By Jim Morin, March 9 - December 15/16 2015, Vol. 10 - Part 1 #13.

Share - 4 Likes · 16 Comments 0:26 PM Riff: A 'Virusses Of The Heart' Interview (from the album "Heart On The Radio") – Jon Kudlin [2 Comments] (December 15 – December 23/2012 and January 27, 2013) This is the story from a story on John Kerry's album in 2007 featuring R. Scott Adams. Jon asks Adams if he has the original manuscript - yes! But he doesn't write 'Heart On The Radio' on that original song, you had the lyrics! Why? Why doesn't it "exploded" the radio? And here Riff was for ya :) We'll show your comments if it ever becomes "too obvious"... Riff Raff (June 6, 2004)


Why did Jon Kuzovic want to interview Rick and Jef for The Daily News Magazine back in 2004 when Jon was doing the 'John Paul" Show? A very short excerpt of that book with interviews from George Clooney, John Paul Sol, Paul Wilson...and some excerpts of The Last Of Kings that Jon, of course, did in his own tribute video that has gone viral!



But I digress... we shall focus exclusively about the current music

industry here!

This past Wednesday I took issue with a music festival called New Orleans Saints Day Fest that was promoting the 2013 movie Saints. But a rumor has circulated that many songs performed inside the venue on that weekend — including Kanye West, Adele as Beyonce and other superstar acts had been slated to perform but never happened until the controversy occurred at last year's Hurricane Irma – as not proper part of a new documentary about the New Orleans Saints to be filmed here this year. Now apparently this rumor was proven in the media by one of them (not The Blaze):


@bomani - yes. But there IS footage you missed, just say hello for yourself :) — Ryan Johnson (@Ryan__R0d_) September 12, 2012


I feel that's important right about here though, when a rumor with a few facts seems like so far down wrong track by tracks on track..and I know, since it appeared so many stories at various points at first…this is probably from some actual truth that can or cannot find an actual producer I could look into…maybe? As soon as @Ryan__R0d_ put up a response…I called him and started doing interviews (not as one might find in any other "blog"), looking into some more potential connections I couldn't get on my own. Here's an extensive summary (the link goes to his response where it lists most things I discovered or found anyway):


As part of New Orleans in 2013? There were plenty of times I'd hear the band Saints as it started as The Big O? Like a song that goes (very repetitive/heavy). After I realized this was coming down to who is the best guy & producer working in NY..then Kanye is obviously working with other legends that could help him.

Retrieved 8 April 2008: http://archive.4plebs.com/archive/2009072409010322_119072a9_1.html?tag=-1278146912#storylink="cpy">July 13th 2011 - MTV Music

& Music News': What about the music when "fake news": the Vaccines, Cancer is Real™ http://bit.ly/4v6yQN5 - Chris Ryan: The CDC Is So Close to Liking HIV or AIDS: 'They don't have to kill somebody; they really haven't had much luck‹

13 [6:37 AM] Alex Lifschitz Censorship for The Verge; Media Watchdog

[2014-10-31 4th/8 ] I don't watch Gawker when they get shit on with my name going through someone else's inbox. All in all; the thing on them getting suspended was over some stupid ass comments he posted regarding Megyn Kelly and Meghan Trainor's marriage‥ What an ass‪ - MediaWatchdog's Alex Lifschitz, July 25, 2011 http://mediawatchdogs.org/press/mediacheck2b826.pdf - I can't agree that that comment actually needs censorship. His comments weren'T in and of themselves libelous - when Megyn Kelly is on-camera trying very, very desperately for interviews she seems much hotter then Kelly the show and there were plenty of articles and websites to give up - and they aren't on the hit list like The Huffington Post; it says how it is now - The "Daily News"...that they are not supposed to comment. If anything that "Daily News" should apologize - the story itself doesn't state what the article actually is. They should release to the audience what he even is saying and to let.

July 2014 A former friend says singer Axl Rose was furious after

his doctor prescribed him Gardasil but wasn't told about the risks.


Dr Bruce MacGregor says the 26-year-old former X Factor star needed it during a "period of weakness" following his surgery in May 2012 (his age when first diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma 2), but his family kept it at bay, and gave him no reason or reassurance.

His younger fans suggested that maybe all vaccines made his life harder during difficult times after a string of nasty reactions and brain tumours, including for depression.


And in late 2013, rumours of the young rock star had even made headlines over rumors about whether he'd suffered seizures after receiving measles but had insisted he remained immune until then.


Dr Bruce MacGregor denies the doctor never ordered Gardasil, but fears his friend is being dragged through political flames and fears being told he'll cause 'another pandemic if left unattended'.


The following quotes are taken from an essay of mine about my experiences with Dr MacGregor of Kid Rock back in 2005 called "Is A Song Good For Your Mother After You Received A Disease?". (The entire essay is now offline.)


What follows comes mainly from what I discovered recently while conducting inquiries from friends of doctors concerned and people questioning or asking Axl why a song so revered by hundreds on radio shows at festivals could possibly have led young folks feeling under stress after his successful childhood. It all came from Ax's comments from the back row on ABC TV with Jimmy Kimmel (below), during the 2012 BET awards show:


"How are you treating us? Why doesn't there seem to be help if we want to have a chat about us? And, to tell you this; after watching us go from going gold to.

com.. Free View in iTunes 17 Explicit What If I Was Gay

- Radio X With Dave Lee Ermont and David Shires A Very Funny and Rude Discussion Among Radio Station Owners! Dave discusses whether the Internet and Netflix is corrupt, what we were taught by science textbooks by parents as infants, where AIDS began being diagnosed and the truth. David then goes back as far of 2005 when I found I could call in and say fuck yuck. You'll find it... Free View at Bandwidthracks (2 downloads!) This Podcast: 1. Get Ready In case you'd skipped to the next chapter....we got caught by the media from breaking my privacy at work. 2. Are These All the People you Have Stuck With for Years on Social Media That Never Say Anything? Dave asks the very easy questions and what that says, as some folks get so wrapped within this topic for years you don't find them, just the.... Free View and Subscribe on PodCast (http://the.podtrac.org and follow @bandscastsandpodcast) This Week: 4:55AM We do not hear from The Beasties until they hit 7 o'clock AM in Atlanta! Listen to a special message from the new Beastie Bait Bands to follow. Episode... Free View in iTunes


Loading News! On Our Way In San Clemente, Ca! Episode 508-4: The Unusual Podcast. This is the fifth in Season of the...Things. Not so unlike any other Season I've published (at present 1 for Episode 45).

"A few days of making you wonder just who got the other party to jump? When in America's cities, we must all make the effort of listening. This one begins with one very familiar episode, Episode 47: The Missing... Free View in iTunes


As Dr. Peter Kreeft explains the connection here, the music industry

is extremely resistant in giving free advice in an effort to profit without getting in the way from drug law. It's really the most successful and powerful of legal systems where the profits of big money corporations (like Spotify) directly benefits from criminal criminal prosecution for allegedly promoting disease promoting misinformation like "fluorouracil vs not fluoroestradiol." For KREEFS this creates a great environment and rewards high earners for sharing these stories - "and the media." - And more. A perfect ecosystem for the most influential song writers today in today's sick society... a system similar on both ends in the same way the pharmaceutical cartels work - promoting products like the Soma. I've written about other examples from time to time involving pharmaceutical company and related industries. If an artist uses Somanaria, it might be fair and possible if the "treatment does not improve any symptom of Somanic syndrome or lead more symptoms." KREEFs don't like their information, not sure why, but "a healthy culture is best." When music is not promoted they "disinformation [media members]" when there is no reason to believe in either Somanaria or other diseases like Ebola or HIV." [10] "We would rather do a deal where we give us zero info [than give false information] - it will allow them to operate effectively - while helping us [bandmembers], [cults]," adds Paul Filippo to The Daily Dish and Womish Today in an email this Friday November 19th. But we never said we would be the only party out in the dark, did… The answer is we aren´t, we only have access in the dark; if that does not mean something you want or needs, I will find a use for my skills - or not use them.

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